Thursday, April 26, 2012

Monster Rehab Green Tea + Energy

Price: $2.29 plus tax

Total Calories: 20

Look: Like an iced green tea

Smell: Like sweetened ice tea that may or may not be made with green tea leaves

Fizziness: None


I normally really like Monster energy drinks, but this was sadly not one of the good ones. I was expecting it to taste weird, but in that familiar Monster way of weirdness. This drink, however, was very off.

How it looks outside of the can
The best way I can describe the taste is that it's like a regular Monster and some generic sweetened green tea had a baby which they fed on an exclusive diet of blue Pixie Stix. It tasted too much like a Monster to be like tea but it was too much like tea to be like a Monster. It also had some kind of weird candy taste that kept coming and going, hence the Pixie Stix comment. It didn't taste like any sort of candy in particular, but I figured Pixie Stix would give the best image of that pseudo-fruity tang.

One more thing I have to say about this drink is that, even though the second ingredient on the list was glucose, it definitely tasted like a diet drink. It had that same aspartame sweetness that sticks with you long after you've placed it next to all of the other empty soda cans on your desk.

Would I recommend it?

No. It wasn't terrible, but two and a half dollars is way too much money to spend on something so questionable.

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